Breast Cancer Research Tee

Breast Cancer Research Tee October is here and the time is upon us, Breast Cancer Awareness Month. We wanted to help out the cause.

This new tee has heavy meaning for me and I am sure for you as well. It is estimated that 1 in 8 woman & 1 in 1000 men in the United States will get breast cancer during their lifetime. Although science is ever evolving, this is still a truly sad statistic. It is essential that we keep pushing the agenda for medicine and treatment for those effected by breast cancer to not only prevent further cases from developing but also heal all those who have been impacted. For these very reasons we want to help the cause and therefore we designed this specific tee to cater to this issue. With fall upon us, brown is in. In my opinion the perfect color combo to match with brown is to add a bit of white and PINK in there too. Thus was born the now available "Breast Cancer Research" T-shirt...

Breast Cancer Research Tee

How we are doing our part?

1. Breast cancer has been around for quite sometime now and thankfully there is so much coverage on it. Most people are aware of the cancer and how it effects those who have it, but we are hoping to just further push the awareness of it and bring the matter to light and call everyone to action.

2. We are donating 10% of all proceeds to the "Breast Cancer Research Foundation"

3. We are hoping to create value in a different way. We have all been given a pink bow before in efforts to spread awareness, that is great in its own right but doesn't create value nor becomes memorable. Through this medium you will be able to display your support by simply wearing the shirt, and when someone compliments you on it you can tell them the story behind the purchase.

As always, we appreciate you supporting the vision and we are constantly working to create better quality, supply you with more value, and become more socially responsible. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and thank you for supporting the cause.

- AJ from Symbiotic

#BreastCancerAwarenessMonth #BreastCancerResearchFoundation